Divine Mercy Radio
Divine Mercy Radio is a lay apostolate dedicated to sharing the truth and beauty, and the love and joy of the Catholic faith primarily through radio. Our mission is to strengthen Catholics in their faith, to invite fallen-away Catholics back to the faith, and to inform non-Catholics of the gospel of Jesus through programming which proclaims His message of truth, mercy, and love.
Divine Mercy Radio
Divine Mercy Kids - Episode 71 - The Wise Men who found Christmas
Join Nicole Swannack as she reads the story of the Three Wise Men from the bible.
Hello Kids: Your challenge for this week is - just as the Wise Men gazed at baby Jesus with love, we gaze at the Eucharist in adoration! Spend a few minutes with Jesus in the Eucharist this week.
Would you like your child to receive our Divine Mercy Kids Kit for FREE? sign up for the quarterly kit at https://www.divinemercyradio.org/kids and we will mail it to you.